I am a mechanical engineer and I have worked with prestigious automotive and Off Highway multinationals companies for which I have had the opportunity to hold General Manager Positions in Mexico, Argentina, India and the US as well as in Italy.
I dealt with restructuring, new plant startup, development and strategic planning of production processes, drafting and managing budgets, as well as production sites management, Always with a team approach and a strong sense of belonging to the company which constitute the distinctive character of my managerial style aimed to the achievement of common goals. I have an experiences with business plans, budget and forecast, of course.
I am now in a position to look for new opportunities following the end of a temporary project as General Manager for an Italian company and for this reason I send you my professional profile so that you can evaluate the opportunity of matching points in relation to the research at you entrusted. I hope you can give me the opportunity to have an interview with you so that you could enter in more detail about my attitude.
I remain available for any clarifications and insights.
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Sprístupníme vám v klientskej zóne úplný životopis kandidáta, následne ho môžete kontaktovať a pozvať na pohovor.