My professional motivation is to work on interesting projects and job tasks that offer me the
opportunity for personal self-realization and for developing of organizational and
professional skills, analytical thinking, and systematic work. I believe that my achieved
educational background and work experience contribute to strong professional capabilities.
Currently I am working in FMCG (fast consuming goods industry) where I gained lot of
knowledge about this environment through various roles as global internal auditor covering
multiple financial and business operations, manufacturing finance processes and in supply
chain (specifically international logistic).
Previously I worked in different roles which gave me exposure to different industries and
processes within them – IT, FMCG, banking & insurance. I prefer to work with variety of
multicultural people on different projects and in dynamic environment. Productive and
positive teamwork is also one of the aspects of daily work I expect and want to contribute
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Sprístupníme vám v klientskej zóne úplný životopis kandidáta, následne ho môžete kontaktovať a pozvať na pohovor.