I am the current VP of Sales for two companies. Both of these companies fall under the same umbrella company, Challenger Cable Sales. I am responsible for managing a team of 5 sales representatives for both companies. CRS is in the business of buying and selling semi trucks full of Amazon returns which are then sold and distributed across the United States. Grip2u is a cell phone accessory manufacturer and I have a network of distributors (customers) in the United States, Africa, Dubai, Kuwait and Japan. Since I work for a small company (25 total employees) I have had an opportunity to learn everything from account management to international logistics to product procurement. My main focus and most prominent skillset is the ability to creatively acquire customers and sell a wide range of products. I'm know for being the go-to sales person when all others have failed. This could mean I'm brought in to move a single product that others haven't sold through or an entire business unit that is suffering financially and on the verge of folding. Both CRS and Grip2u were losing money month over month when I started working for them. CRS is now a $7M company and Grip2u is a $5M company. Both of which are turning a very healthy profit annually.
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