The candidate is a highly qualified expert with extensive experience in financial management and nuclear energy. Born in 1963, he graduated from the Faculty of Electrical Engineering, specializing in nuclear energy. He later expanded his knowledge at Sheffield Hallam University in England, where he obtained postgraduate certificates in management.
Professionally, he has held several leadership positions, such as finance manager, where he was responsible for financial reporting and internal consolidated reporting of the group. He left due to not receiving an agreed-upon salary increase. From 2006 to 2020, he was a key figure, serving as the Vice Chairman of the Board and Director of the Finance and Services Division. His experience also includes roles as financial controller and manager.
He was the Executive Director for Financial Policy, and he continues to maintain good relations with leading figures in the energy sector, as well as knowing people from regulatory authorities.
The candidate has also been an active member of various statutory bodies, serving on the supervisory boards and boards of directors of several companies in the past. His language skills are at a high professional level; he speaks English at the C1 level, and French at the B2 level, and has advanced knowledge of German and Russian.
The candidate is also known for his continuous education, as evidenced by various financial courses from prestigious institutions and co-authorship of an OECD–NEA publication. In IT, he boasts advanced knowledge of MS Office, SAP, Helios, Pohoda, and Lotus Notes.
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Sprístupníme vám v klientskej zóne úplný životopis kandidáta, následne ho môžete kontaktovať a pozvať na pohovor.